President 2024-2026

Tim Balthazar – UZ Brussel

President-elect 2024-2026

Antoine Herpain – Saint- Pierre Brussels

Past President 2022-2024

Philippe Morimont – CHU Liège

Past President 2020-2022

Hannah Schaubroeck – Universitair Ziekenhuis Gent


Marc Claeys – Universitair Ziekenhuis Antwerpen


Stijn Wouters – OLV Ziekenhuis Aalst 

Current Board Members

Tim Balthazar, Christophe Beauloye, Marc Claeys, Thomas Couck, Mélanie Dechamps,  Frederic De Roeck, Antoine Herpain, Amina Khaldi, Stijn Lochy, Philippe Morimont, Hannah Schaubroeck, Peter Sinnaeve, Christophe Vandenbriele, Martin Vandeneede, Jozef Van Herck, Pascal Vranckx, Stijn Wouters

Past Chairmen

Hannah Schaubroeck (2020-2022)
Universitair Ziekenhuis Gent

Olivier Van Caenegem† (2018-2020)
Université Catholique de Louvain

Patrick Coussement (2017-2018)
AZ Sint Jan Brugge

Christophe Beauloye (2016 – 2017)
Université Catholique de Louvain

Peter Sinnaeve (2014-2015)
KU Leuven

Patrick Evrard (2010-2013)
Université Catholique de Louvain
Mont Godinne

Sofie Gevaert (2008-2010)
UZ Gent

Antoine Demeester (2007-2008)
Hôpital de Jolimont

In memoriam Herbert De Raedt

In june 2023, our dear colleague and friend Dr. Herbert De Raedt sadly passed away.

As a cardiologist and intensivist, he worked in the nineties at the intensive care department of the university hospital of Antwerp. In the beginning of this century he moved to OLV hospital Aalst  to establish and expand the CCU with great success. Since 2022 he was officially retired, but his patients couldn’t miss him and probably also vice versa, so he was still active in the outpatient clinic of OLV Aalst.

He was a very active member of the BIWAC from the very early beginning and has been an excellent secretary for more than 10 years.

We  remember him as a very friendly, humble, attentive, helpful and intelligent man, who seamlessly put his knowledge of cardiology and critical care at the service of many patients. He had a broad cultural interest and knowledge and loved to talk about many aspects of life around a table with a good glass of wine. 

We miss him a lot ! Our thoughts and support go also to his lovely wife and his family. We wish them all the strength to overcome this great loss.

In memoriam Olivier Van Caenegem